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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pintester Movement: DIY ribbon tank

Many a night I've spent repinning things I love on Pinterest - recipes that look amazing, tutorials on how to do pretty much anything, places I'd love to go but probably never will, etc. - but never really get around to doing or trying any of these things.  In the past few months, I've at least tried some of the recipes - I will say that for about every 2 or 3 that are successful, there is one that is an absolute total failure (the Buffalo Chicken Meatball Massacre will haunt me for years, I tell you) and I always think, "why the hell would someone pin this?!"

The lovely and hilarious Sonja at Pintester has been taking the guesswork (and grueling hours, and tears, and ultimate failures) out of some of our favorite pins for trying them for us.  Her experiences are hysterical, and make me feel like less of a loser when I try a pin and it ultimately sucks.  Recently, she proposed The Pintester Movement, where the blog world attempts a pin they've been staring at for months, and writes about it.  Originally, I had wanted to do something food related, but trying to find the time this week has been difficult, so I went with something else - DIY t-shirts.

 My shirt is an XL and has been previously washed and dryed, so I know it's done shrinking. (I hope.)

The instructions were simple and visual (my favorite) and showed me exactly where to cut on my oversized t-shirt.  (I also realized, doing this, that I own a LOT of oversized t-shirts.  Will this pass the test?  Will I suddenly have a closet of DIY ribbon tanks?  Time will tell.)

Pretty easy - cut arms, making sure to cut inwards and also further down, and cut a deep neck.  Also cut bottom.

The final result?

Pretty cute, eh?
I tried it on and it fits great.  I may have to cut the arms a little deeper and the neck a little deeper, as it bunches more and isn't as loose as I would like it, but this is one of those DIY's where its really up to your preference, and how large a shirt you're working with.  I will definitely be doing this to a few more of my insanely oversized t-shirts, especially with the summer heat creeping up.  I may rock this to the beach this weekend!

I'd say this one is Pinner approved.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Sonja! It was perhaps an easy way out, but I've definitely rounded up a few questionable pins and am going to give them a shot (with photographic evidence!) in the next few weeks!

  2. That looks so perfect for summer!

    1. It is! I wore it to the beach a few days later and it was a great coverup!

  3. The design on the T is to edgy yet with the pretty bow in back it sweetens it up. I like it. I may have to cut up a few of my Love's T's. I don't think he'd mind since the final result is to sexy. Nicely done.

    Barbara @

    1. Thanks Barbara! I have a huge collection of way-too-big t-shirts that I'm definitely going to convert this way - just need to buy some more ribbon. Let me know how yours turns out!
