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Friday, September 6, 2013

Blogtember: 3 months.

*I have been 100% slacking already on Blogtember.  Not the best start, right?  I've felt uninspired, but the whole point of Blogtember is to follow the prompts so I don't have to muster up the energy and figure out what to write.  So, be ready for me to attempt to pay catch up.  (Yes, I get that's kind of anti-Blogtember, but there are so many great prompts, I don't want to miss out!)

Do you ever have one of those moments where a friend will bring up a topic to you, and you've totally been thinking about it for a while, and it feels sort of like kismet that (s)he mentions it at all?  This is sort of how I feel about today's Blogtember prompt, on how I would spend 3 months off from from life.  I've spent a lot - A LOT - of time lately ruminating over what I'd be doing if I could do anything (dream big, kids!) and when Jenni at SoML posted her Blogtember prompts, I laughed when I saw that day 2 was exactly what I had been thinking about.

First and foremost, I'd travel.  Another cross country road trip, starting with Yosemite, then criss-crossing down to New Orleans, and back up the east coast to see family.

Then I'd look this fear of flying square in the face, and go to Ireland; sit in pubs all day and drink and make friends, go on long walks, and buy a bunch of wool scarves to ship back to California that I'll never get to wear (but will always be a fun reminder.)  I'd then make my way back to London for a redux; last time I was there, I was 10, and got homesick and got sent home early.  I have some catching up to do... which is really just code for shopping at Harrods.  I'd then make my way to Paris, FINALLY, and drink wine with every meal and people watch.  I may even skip the Louvre and instead run the Champs Elysees.

Then, Italy.  Lots and lots of Italy.  Florence, Rome, Tuscany, Cinque Terre.  Writing, eating, taking pictures... do you see a pattern here?

Besides the reading, eating, writing and photograph taking, I'd also do my damnedest to detox on the social media front.  I've already been attempting Sunday detoxing (which is now going to be difficult to maintain with fantasy football season) because I think I just spend too much of my free time checking in on everyone else and not in on myself.  What more could I accomplish in the minutes or hours a day I spend checking my phone?  A lot, I think.

Could I live three months without Facebook and Instagram?  Well, maybe Facebook..

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